My first fall

Friday, April 3, 2009

Recently I read about the 5 most common things that happen as a runner. Peeing, pooping and falling are among the 3 most common. Well, I experienced one of the 3 and no it wasn't pooping or peeing... I FELL! I fell and ate is so bad that I have a huge bruise on my hand and not to mention a NASTY STRAWBERRY on my knee. I was so embarrassed when I fell. It was in the middle of traffic and to top it off, there were people at the stop sign by where I fell. I stood up quickly, acting as though nothing happened. I didn't even want to look at my knees. I pretended as though it didn't hurt. I finally got far enough to take a look at the damage and well lets just say here is the result....

I'm still not sure how I fell but this was truly an embarrassing fall! That's what I get for trying to beat my time. Maybe I should go back to working on (what do you think Les?)